Gosei Ultimate
Gosei Ultimate
The rangers insert their Ultra Zords in their Gosei Ultra Swords to summon the Gosei Ultimate Command Ship, which is the Command Center. The Ultra Zords grow and lock in the spaceship. It is armed with the Double Swords. It can execute the Double Swords Spin Attack, that consists the Megazord spins rapidly with the swords horizontally positioned to impact its opponent, and the Ultimate Laser Cannon, consisting quickly launch target-shooting. The Gosei Ultimate Megazord possesses the ability to execute a much more powerful version of the Victory Charge called the Ultimate Charge wherein the petals on its chest open outward and launch the Ultra Zords at the opponent. Tensou helped Gosei make the Gosei Ultimate Command Ship possible and they saved the Rangers from Bigs. They defeated Bigs and Bluefur with Gosei Ultimate.
Gosei Ultimate Command Ship